The Project Profile

TANZAS is the first initiative within the Direct Impact charity. The venture will partner with a local Tanzanian to setup and become a leading tour operator specialising in Kilimanjaro climbs and safari tours in Tanzania. TANZAS will offer a wide range of packages to suit all budgets and fitness levels, from budget-friendly group tours to luxury private climbs and safaris.

Leveraging the Voluntas technology capabilities, TANZAS will develop a tech-enabled customer experience that delivers increased engagement, connection and promotion with local people and culture.

Impact Statement

The local community are benefitting from increased direct tourism activity, leading to improved economic and social outcomes.

Who we are elevating

The local community will be elevated through the ownership and long-term employment opportunities.  This will build currently unavailable financial certainty and security.

This will, in turn, elevate the Tanzanian economy through building and demonstrating the value of locally owned businesses built to compete with international competitors.
